Friday, June 3, 2011

Table Cat

You are telling me to get off of the table?  Me?  But I'm sick!  How could you ask a sick and dying cat to do ANYTHING that she doesn't want to do?  Look into these big, sad, hypnotic eyes...

And that is my life.  Giving in to Charlotte on nearly a daily basis.

Manipulated much?  I thought so.


  1. I'm in trouble...mine are in perfect health and I give in...

  2. Instead of Hypnotoad you've got Hypnocat! Hee!

    Mine get away with too much also. Hubby is the enforcer in our house. I'm the softie.

  3. Kittehs have a way of getting what they want from their humans. I am a total pushover.

  4. Well, at least she's proved that you're trainable!

  5. Something about those eyes...I'd give in everytime too!

  6. Yes, I am trainable, I guess! I'm afraid that most of our animals, if not all of them, prove that time and time again. The only one who obeys me consistently is Argos.

    And it sounds like I'm not the only one who gives in to my demanding cats. :) That makes me feel a little better.

  7. We give in all the time. We're out-manned and out-gunned and we know it.
