I've been reflecting on the way that our lives have gone since that day nearly two years ago that we brought our first two cats home from the Western Pennsylvania Animal Rescue League... Charlotte and Bit. All of our animals have become such a large part of our lives, that I can't remember what life was like before them!
Last night was one of contentment, even if we were busy in the evening. We're cat-sitting for a friend of ours, so her kitty is occupying the guest room. The door is firmly shut because the last thing that any of these cats needs (hers or ours) is a confrontation. I don't think that it would go well, because she is of course nervous about being in strange surroundings, and ours are still learning how to deal with Romeo, let alone another cat.
I think each of the girl cats woke me up once last night, seeking reassurance. Thank God it was Friday night! While Saturday is "my" weekend day to get up early with Argos, after we take care of potty breaks and eating breakfast, my tendency is to doze on the couch until it's time for our walk. So I could catch up on the sleep that I lost petting cats! Romeo was the one cat who did NOT wake me up, and that is probably largely due to the fact that Bit won't let him in the bedroom. (Little bully.)
Jeff did carry him in the other night and put him on the bed with us. His tendency is, if we put him in there with us, he'll stay there for most of the night.
So anyway, an evening spent with my cats, followed by a morning snuggling with Argos on the couch.
Seriously, does it get any better than this?
So... here's some pictures of the carnivores, or at least the ones that would cooperate with me.

Argos, asking if he can pretty please have a cookie.
And here are Annie and Bit, apparently both desperate to lay beside fresh pineapples. Weirdos.
Romeo and Charlotte are being less cooperative with the camera. Perhaps tomorrow they'll pose...
You have some lovely models there! We tend to go back to sleep after letting dogs our early here, too.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it's a habit that a great many of us are into. :) And thank you!